Surround yourself with people you can learn from, strive to be to better and do not end your life without leaving a legacy.
Powerful words form the great Les Brown. What a privilege to meet this humble, funny, inspirational man, in the company of other international peers, committed to adding value to their families, their work colleague and their communities.
Les Brown is probably one of the best known motivational speakers both within the USA and further afield. This 72-year-old speaker and author, who was adopted as an infant and failed 5th grade in school, is one of the most powerful speakers in America and has influenced the lives of millions of people.
His underpinning belief is that we all have greatness inside us. For many of us what we actually do and achieve in life is only a small part of what we could have contributed, if we had not let our fears hold us back. His work is underpinned by a number of simple premises that would serve us very well if we adopted them routinely in our everyday life:-
When you are pursuing your greatness, you do not know what your limits are, so you pursue greatness, or excellence, as if you have no limits.
This resonates strongly with the core beliefs of Simon Selick, First know your why and the how becomes easy.
Each of us must set 3 types of goals, personal goals, social goals and financial goals and it is important that our goals for each of these areas are explicit and that they are written down.
Social contribution is our duty and responsibility. We should be ashamed to die until we have created our legacy.
Consider some of Les Brown’s key sayings. Which of these resonate with you today. Over the next few weeks ponder on just one of these ides each day and make it a reality in your life. Watch out for some amazing shifts: -
‘Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality’.
‘Beware of critics with no credentials’
‘It is possible!’
‘Sometimes you have to believe in someone else’s belief in you until your self-belief kicks in.’
‘It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared’
‘Expect to win’
‘Make “no” your vitamin’.
‘I don’t know you, here is what I know about you – you have greatness in you and people need you’
‘If you want anything bad enough to go out and fight for it, you will succeed’
‘In spite of what’s going on in the world the only things we can control is what’s happening inside us’?

Les concluded by emphasizing the importance of having a peer group of people who are stretching us to grow and contribute and to have at least one coach who will guide us and show us the way. It is impossible to see the picture whenever you are in the frame.
We all need coaches, someone else to help us see and think outside of our narrow perspective and outside of the box. We need someone who sees our potential even when we have not yet accepted it in ourselves. Surround yourself with people you can learn from, strive to be to better and do not end your life without leaving a legacy. Powerful words form the great Les Brown.
What a privilege to meet this humble, funny, inspirational man, in the company of other international peers, committed to adding value to their families, their work colleague and their communities. Les Brown is probably one of the best known motivational speakers both within the USA and further afield. This 72-year-old speaker and author, who was adopted as an infant and failed 5th grade in school, is one of the most powerful speakers in America and has influenced the lives of millions of people.
His underpinning belief is that we all have greatness inside us. For many of us what we actually do and achieve in life is only a small part of what we could have contributed, if we had not let our fears hold us back.
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