CORE - The four pillars of leadership
Eighty per cent of success is down to effective communication. Communication needs to be appropriate to the context, it is responsibility of the communicator to ensure the message is received. Whether communication is oral, written or non-verbal it needs to be clear, consistent and concise. Listening is a critical and underused aspect of communication.
Optimising our energy, our time and our resources, particularly our people is essential and that requires attention to the following formula Skill set + Mind Set + Massive Action + Follow up = Success
This programme focuses on mastery of the mindset of success, self-belief, practicing emotional intelligence and understanding other people’s different model of the world. It also promotes systems and strategies for maximising effectiveness while keeping people at the heart of what we do.
Relationships within the organisation and with families, children and colleagues in other organisations are at the heart of the mission to bring about positive change in the lives of children. Relationships are based on rapport, respect and trust.
Follow up and follow through are essential aspects of personal and organisational effectiveness. It is important therefore that we set SMART goals, plan to achieve them in a reasonable timeframe, track progress, adjust as required and provide evidence to back up our results. Most of all we need to celebrate and share our wins, with a child, w
Communication: Optimisation : Relationships : Evaluation
I offer a multi-level training coaching and mentoring package which transforms diverse separated and disconnected functions within organisations into one coherent team with a common vision and purpose.
While the programme is tailored to the needs of individuals areas and teams, long experience working with health and social care organisations across jurisdictions, highlights the need for support with the following recurring topics: -
Developing local strategic priorities within the overall national context (O)
Contributing effectively to the national agenda (E)
Sharing feedback on local issues in a way in which they can be heard and addressed (C)
Communicating the organisation’s overarching vison and mission to staff and service users. (C)
Building trust within the top team and the organisation/team as a whole (R&C)
Setting goals, meeting targets and evidencing progress (E)
Strengthening staff recruitment and retention whereby staff feel valued and engaged, are aligned with and committed to the agency purpose and goals (O)
Identifying a network of peers internally within the agency and a network of potential partners in other agencies (O &R)
Strengthening relationships and practice with children and families (C&R &E)
Retaining focus on priorities and improving time and energy management (O&E
CORE in a family, in a community, in our team.