During this incredible sabbatical in USA for refreshing, renewing and reinventing my skillset, mind-set and overall enthusiasm for work and life, I continue to meet and spend time learning from some of life’s great masters. What do Nido Qubein of Highpoint University, George Ross, lawyer, entrepreneur, former advisor to Donald Trump as well as a judge on the Apprentice and JT Foxx, International Wealth and Success Coach all have in common?
The answer is they have incredible passion, boundless energy, and a commitment to help empower others to succeed and to contribute.

They represent 3 generations with the same mind-set and determination to make a difference. All have achieved outstanding success in their field, while continuing to remain relevant and to give generously of their time in handing on their wisdom to future generations.
This short note captures some of the essence of the wisdom shared by George Ross. who celebrates his 90th birthday next year, who was funny, contemporary and tireless in his contribution to our session –time flew during long sessions, as he captivated us without notes or PowerPoint with the strength of his personality, the range of his experiences and his philosophy on life. These messages are relevant to leaders in all businesses and organisations – take a few minutes to integrate them into yours.
There are no countries any more - there is just one world. We all should have respect for all the diverse cultures of this one world.
Life is unpredictable, learn how to go with it, change yourself as the world changes.
If you recognise what you don’t know and work towards figuring it out - you are half-way there.
Learn from people who are better and more experienced than you are - factor their words and ways into your own repertoire.
When hiring look for people with drive – get them to convince you why you should hire them.
In any business, the most important person is the receptionist. People need to talk to a pleasant, helpful front person.
Always do what you think is right at the time, in any situation. That will lead you to a result – deal with the result. When you fail or get something wrong, take time to reflect and get the learning from it, and then move on.
The key point in any negotiation is to understand what the other side wants.
A good organisation is led by a ‘dictator’, you don’t need too many people making the decisions.
Everything is about self-advancement. They key question is how can I improve others and myself at the same time?
Personal relationships will always be important, the internet will not phase out the importance of individual and face to face relationships.
If the organisation / business relies on one person it’s not a business. You need to build a team so that the business can run without you.
Everyone needs coaches to show them the way. No one can do it alone.
Failure + Perseverance = Success.
The business world today is so different from the past. It is both compressed and condensed. Everything is so fast that staying relevant is a continual challenge. You always need a WOW factor to help you stand out from the crowd.
In your resume / CV sell yourself in the first two sentences. Nobody has time to read long resumes.
What is your WOW factor?
Lynne with JT Foxx and George Ross
Reflecting on George’s philosophy, what are some of the key areas you need to focus on? What is the cost to you and your team of not addressing them now?
Who coaches/mentors/supports you to achieve the next level?
For personal, organisational and business growth contact Lynne at 07967147550 or email lynne@lynnepeyton.com.
Visit www.lynnepeyton.com for more leadership advice and testimonials from successful clients.
July 2017