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Health & Social Care Consultant
CEO Coach and mentor
International speaker & author
Host of 'Success is Never Accidental' Podcast

Lynne Peyton is a master at solving organisational challenges, developing strong leadership and supporting teams to achieve outstanding results.
Are you;
Feeling stuck?
Overwhelmed by the workload and pace of change?
Frustrated by your results?
Constantly striving to maintain staff
Keen to improve professional outcomes?
I can help you get to the core of the issue - blast through the limiting beliefs that hold you back, challenge the old stories and habits and support you in achieving the results you want professionally and personally.
Your one stop shop for
Advice and guidance
Podcasts on topical issues
Interviews with experts in child care and child protection
Monthly webinars on topical issues

The Launch of 'Sunny's Ray of Hope' in California 2019

Lynne facilitating a workshop for Tusla Child and Family Agency 2023

Lynne with the Tusla, North Dublin Screening Team 2023

Lynne facilitated a Learning Day for Tusla in June 2023

Lynne with Adam Coffey, independent
director and private equity expert

Familiar with all aspects of family legislation and policy throughout Ireland.
Committed to promoting children's rights and experienced in lobbying government and statutory bodies on children’s issues.
A specialist in risk assessment and in recommending remedial action in complex situations through audits, inspections, case management reviews, and the investigation of complaints.
An excellent oral and written communicator and her skills include report writing, delivering presentations, handling the media, chairing inter-agency committees/conferences and consulting with a range of stakeholders including families and children.
A skilled mediator with extensive experience of achieving negotiated outcomes in a wide range of situations, including inspections, audits of child care practice, complaints resolution, contract negotiations, recruitment and selection scenarios.
Experienced in needs assessment,and in supporting agencies to develop services for a range of client groups.
An accomplished trainer/facilitator in team building and business planning with multi-agency groups.
A Certified Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Hypnotherapy and Temporal Dynamics.
A senior leader with the Tony Robbins organisation based in San Diego, California which specialises in helping individuals maximise their performance and outcomes in all areas of their life.
As a leader in management consultancy in health and social care, Lynne is...

Lynne with Stedman Graham, American educator, author, businessman, and public speaker
Date With Destiny with Tony Robbins Dec 2015
Learning from the Best!
Lynne and JT Foxx , entrepreneur, investor and business coach
speaking at a marketing and networking event, 2023